Posted by
Kristen Gardner
Monday, June 25, 2012
I just completed my first rotation: Institutional or
Hospital/Health System! J
This will be a short blog thanks to Courtney K! I will
attempt to elaborate on the excellent overview she provided.
To reiterate, this rotation requires a great work ethic to
get a lot out of it. You can do as many extra projects as you want (provided
you ask)! It is tempting to do the least amount of work possible- especially
transitioning from P3 year/2.5 week break into P4 year. There were so many
projects/agenda items I was trying to complete (Pharm.D. final report, Pharm.D.
seminar literature search, Leadership Scholars Board of Governor’s project,
reviewing therapeutic topics I had forgotten, etc.), it would have been nice to
strictly be “on rotation” from 7am-3pm; however, I am glad that I was able to
work on extra projects because I learn in the process and now I have even more
things to talk about on residency interviews!
Working in the 6th floor satellite was GREAT! As
Courtney mentioned, I really started to feel like a real pharmacists verifying
orders. I really took ownership of my patients by signing my name to the pages
I sent out to the physician and answering phone calls (drug information
requests by physicians and nurses and responding to physician pages).
Recommendations/concerns I paged on mainly related to antibiotic dosing. Physicians
love to start vancomycin 1g q12 hrs for every patient regardless of actual body
weight and renal function; therefore, we were always paging on recommendations
to modify vanco orders. We paged the clinical specialty pharmacist in ICU
(intensive care unit) because one patient was started on traditional dosing
(TD) tobramycin (an aminoglycoside), but did not meet any restrictions
(basically anything that would alter volume of distribution or renal function,
e.g. CrCl <40ml/min, burn patients >20% total body surface area, pregnant
patients, obese, meningitis, ped patients, infective endocarditis, ascites,
cirrhosis, end stage liver disease (ESLD), anasarca) for single daily dosing
(SDD) of aminoglycosides. SDD is great because it provides a high Cmax (aminoglycosides
are concentration dependent killing) and you take advantage of the
post-antibiotic effect of the drug and allow trough levels to drop low which
minimizes risk for toxicities such as ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. I also
happened to catch that the prescribed dose of metformin was incorrect for the
patient based on her problem summary list (PSL ) in Careweb when I was trying
to find a serum creatinine (SCr) level since metformin is renally eliminated
and is contraindicated with higher levels (1.4-1.5; gender specific) due to
risk of lactic acidosis. There were also
some pain regimens that would not optimally prescribed. I also learned some
great lessons. For example, we paged because we wanted warfarin dosing
clarified as they were increasing the dose when the patient’s INR just came
back at 3.0 when their goal was 2-3. I overlooked that the patient was also on
argatroban which falsely elevates the INR. The pharmacist was not aware of this
fact or that the hospital uses chromogenic factor X as a monitoring tool in
this scenario. Therefore, I took on the extra project of looking into this and
reported back to the pharmacist my findings. It was a great educational
opportunity because I corrected a learning deficit not only for me but a lot of
other staff involved.
IDS was super fun! That is all I have to say. But, I love
research which may bias my positive perspective.
The Clean room was great too because again I was verifying
orders! I would verify kits (mostly antibiotics with IV bags containing the
proper diluent for the drug) that the technicians put together (to prepare for
orders in advance) as well as compounded products. I recommend looking at the
actual product first and then reading the label because sometimes reading the
label first makes you see things when looking at the product second! J
I LOVED the administration week. I learned so much
interviewing the different staff in administration. It was really interesting
to gain their perspectives and it also helped us identify great questions to
ask of other programs during interview season. Oh yeah!
Mott is much crazier/busier than 6th floor
satellite and because of that I was unable to “drive” and do all the order
verification with a pharmacist sitting beside me and checking my work 100% of
the time; however, I was able to do enough where I was not terrified of dosing
the kiddos. Note: They receive crazy drug information questions all the time
and you will definitely be involved in answering these questions. Do not fear
because the staff is SO nice in Mott! I was so hopeful that I would be able
to attend a code during my week there, but unfortunately, the one code that was
called occurred while I was gowned up in the Clean room. Oh well! I also went
out with some of the medication managers (the technicians deliver medications
to the bedside in the new hospital and there are a few techs dedicated to make
sure nursing has all the medications they need- we are being proactive) which
was nice because I saw the PICU, NICU, and PCTU. Through visiting these units I
learned that I like to see my kiddies healthy vs. intubated with 10 different
smart pumps hooked up to them or an ICP monitor. I saw a baby that was 1.5lbs!
She was so precious! Projects included helping one of the pharmacists update
the IV compounding book and creating a reference for which vaccines contain
thiomersal/mercury as a result of a drug information call I took.
I am moving on to my “community” rotation with a Walgreens
specialty clinic focusing on HIV/AIDS management at Howard Brown Medical Center
in Chicago, IL. I am excited yet nervous because I heard our preceptor is
demanding and constantly quizzes you. But, that is a good thing because I need
repetition! Plus, I get to share this experience with my well-known study
buddy/partner in crime, Janis Rood. Prior to the first day our preceptor asked
us to know the generic names, brand names, abbreviations, and preferred/alternative
treatment for treatment naïve patients. Check! I have also been reading random
other information as well because I am known for going off on tangents during
my studies. There is so much to know! Only time will tell what information I am
able to retain in this brain of mine.
Also- this is my first time living in a big city! I am sure
you will be hearing about interesting stories. For example, today I decided to
figure out the “L” or the train in Chicago. That probably would have been fine on
any other Sunday besides when the 2012 Pride Parade was being held. I observed
many interesting people wearing/not wearing interesting articles of clothing. Unfortunately,
these pictures would be inappropriate for this forum!