Hello readers! I have finished up my second rotation and am actually knee deep in my third currently-more on that later. My second rotation had me playing 'guinea pig,' as I was the first student through this particular rotation. Drug information at Botsford Hospital was a great experience.
Botsford Hospital is an osteopathic hospital, which differs from an allopathic hospital. This means while here I was mostly working with physicians who were D.O instead of M.D. It was very interesting to see the difference is how the physicians practice medicine compared to what I have previously seen.
This rotation had a lot to offer, and once again I got out what I put in to it. I was able to participate in many different and unique activities and projects which included but were not limited to:
- Writing up a drug review for P & T committee (2 actually)
- Participating in meetings discussing advancement of the cancer center
- Going on critical care rounds
- Attending review board meeting for research
- Working with the oncology pharamcist, as well as other floor pharmacists
- Participating in pharmacy informatics meetings
- Participating in nursing informatics meetings
- Participating in mock interviews
- Attending CPOE meetings
Overall, this was a great rotation and I learned a great deal about not only drug information and the various resources, but several other aspects of pharmacy practice.
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