Monday, August 16, 2010

Getting My Feet Wet

Posted by Omo at Monday, August 16, 2010

So after our long summer break (I say long because many other schools don’t have the luxury of three months break before they transition into their P4 year), I was pumped for my fourth/final year to start. After all, you often hear many positive things about the P4 year such as:

· You learn more as a P4 than you will in all previous years of pharmacy school combined

· P4 year is cool, you get to meet a lot of pharmacists who will inspire you”

· “P4 year is a very humbling experience because you may have done well throughout pharmacy school but when you get on the floors to practice, you find out how little you know.”

All of the above statements prepared me somewhat for my experience. My first rotation is institutional and it is at the U-M hospital. I must add that having my P3 rotation in the hospital last semester helped me with getting acclimated with the system. The experience thus far has been remarkable. There is always something that needs to be done for a patient so you are always busy and hardly ever idle/bored.

Side note: I am never bored but sometimes I feel sleepy because these are very early morning shifts, definitely not what I am accustomed to but thank God for tea/coffee.

I will share a little bit of the top 3 things I have learned thus far. They are pharmacy and non-pharmacy related.

3. Assertion is a key in pharmacy

We have learned so much and it is easy to have a lot of information jumbled in one’s head especially when we are asked drug-related questions during rounds. Nonetheless, when dealing with patients, we need to be sure about what we are recommending/saying/doing. Being sure means over learning material pertaining to the patient so that we can deliver to the best of our abilities. In addition, it is important to remember that everyone you are working with is human so do not be intimidated (yes, I know it is easier said than done!) but try to be assertive!

2. Build networks and create healthy relationships in the workplace

Being immersed in the institution everyday for the past two weeks has really emphasized the need for us to establish a friendly relationship with co-workers including pharmacy technicians, doctors, physician assistants and nurses. I worked with a pharmacist at the Operating Room (OR) Pharmacy. Throughout the time I was with her, I could tell that she enjoyed every bit and made the most of her job. She was very lively, friendly and respectful to her technicians. Her positive interaction with the physicians on the floor was glaringly obvious. The friendly ambience reinforced the need to strive for a workplace like this because there is nothing better than enjoying your job!

1. Know the BUG-DRUG Sheet

Special thanks to Dr. Carver for this sheet! I can confidently say that I have at least one patient everyday with an Infectious Disease (ID) issue. Last week, I was in Motts Children Hospital and I got to round with the medical team every morning. We had about two to three patients on average everyday and at least 2/3 if not all the patients had an ID issue. It makes a lot of sense why we spent about 6 weeks on this section of therapeutics. Know the bug-drug sheet! I cannot emphasize this any more.

I hope my message/post was helpful. Feel free to leave comments or ask any more questions about my experienceJ


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